Marie Giblett

Search Executive
What I do at Bang?

I’m a Search Executive looking after all things Google Ads and SEO for my wonderful clients. I take a holistic, top-down approach to marketing, ensuring all digital tactics are driven by solid marketing theory and frameworks.

Why I love what I do?

In short, it’s fun to watch my campaigns impact people. The way effective digital marketing can transform businesses (and the lives of the people within them) is truly something. Formally a psychology graduate, marketing allows me to apply my deep understanding of human behaviour and psychographics into my work and see the impacts quantified at scale. It’s pretty satisfying tbh.

Proudest moment to date?

Re-learning to jump in my horse riding lessons… As an adult. Scary stuff!

If I was a cocktail what would I be and why?

I don’t drink, but if I did, I’d surely be a cosmopolitan – she’s strong but sweet… .. And pink. I love pink!

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 Marie Giblett
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