July 29, 2015

Content is still king for SEO & social media results

July 29, 2015

Content is still king for SEO & social media results

Content is still king for SEO & social media results

It feels like we never stop hearing about online content and how important it is for SEO and social media traction. Content is what ultimately connects you with customers and prospects.Most people roll their eyes at the reminder when it inevitably comes up during campaign meetings. But there is a reason that it is still being mentioned every time digital is brought up; it keeps becoming more and more relevant, and isn’t going away anytime soon.There are 4 types of content you should consider for your business:


Despite the unfortunate truth that our attention spans are getting shorter, it is still important to have 400-500 word blogs on your website.Why? SEO.Creating a blog around a keyword that you are wanting to see search ranking improvement for will assist you in achieving the results you’re after. These blogs can be optimised for your keywords and indicate to search engine crawlers that you are a credible source of information and can provide the answers that users are looking for.It is important that how you rank in search engines, like Google be given consideration. Most users now start their buying cycle online, searching for different companies that provide a solution to their problem. If you aren’t there, you won’t be considered.Creating original, keyword-rich content for web pages and in blogs will assist these rankings and have you found by people looking for you.


We are predominantly visual creatures, so maintaining visual content for your visual fans is highly important. We might skim some content and studies have shown. 94% of visual content receives more views than purely textual content.We can harness people’s preference for the visual by including interesting and bright images in our social media or EDM campaigns. Having an attention-grabbing image will help create curiosity and encourage the audience to take the time to peruse accompanying text.Visual content leads to higher view and engagement levels which makes it a powerful tool for businesses wanting more brand awareness and engagement with their customers or potential clients.Infographics may not be suitable for all business types but if they are they are a highly recommended avenue to head down. Infographics are liked and shared 3x more than any other piece of visual content. These are highly engaging on social media platforms and EDM communications , improving your SEO.


Creative potential is unlimited when it comes to video content. The more creative a video, the more likely users will be wanting to stick around and watch. The longer someone is watching your video, the more information you can give them about what it is you do and how you can help them.Video content can be promoted across the usual social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, but you can also reach a whole new audience on YouTube. Once the content is created, setting up a YouTube campaign is no more difficult than setup for an AdWords campaign.Because of the creative and engaging potential of video, it is also the content type that has the most potential for brand recall when the consumer needs what you provide.


Audio is a content type that is yet to be thoroughly explored by marketers but holds much potential. Podcasts are the fastest growing type of media consumed in the world today, with the main reason that they can be listened to whenever convenient for the audience.Podcasts have begun to be adopted by businesses that offer products/services that stimulate a lot of discussion. For example, there are finance companies, adult stores and health companies that have invested in the value of audio content.Another way to use audio content is to use someone else’s! Many smaller podcasts would welcome sponsorship. Small adverts placed at some point during the podcast or subtle plugs are a great way to reach you target market through respected leaders. Using audio in these ways offers great potential for brand awareness and consumer engagement.If you would like to learn more about how content could be harnessed for your digital marketing, call the team at Bang Digital on 08 9328 7000 today to speak with an account manager or drop us a line and we’ll get back to you soon!